Tactical Pens
Originally designed for military and law enforcement use, tactical pens have evolved into everyday carry tools that can be used in a variety of situations.
Siu Nim Tau Weak?
Some students see the first form of WingTsun™ Kung Fu, the Siu Nim Tau (SNT), as an unnecessary bond to tradition and thus don’t pay enough attention to it. In Western society, people want to see results as soon as possible. If an instructor would only let the students stand in the IRAS, they would have the feeling of not learning something practical, they would become impatient and would then turn away from the school. By doing this, they lose sight of some of the most important aspects of any art: patience and endurance.
Never Wrestle a Wrestler
In order to defeat an experienced wrestler on the ground using wrestling techniques, a WingTsun™-follower would need to devote as much time to the dissimilar and strength-intensive sport of wrestling as a wrestler. We are WT-people, however, and we neither wish to become wrestlers nor to falsify our WingTsun™ Kung Fu by mixing it with wrestling techniques. And neither is there any reason for doing so…
Hit in Stomach
It does not take a lot of force to knock the wind out of someone with a blow to the solar plexus or a kick to the abdomen. It is imperative to protect the mid-section as well as the neck/head in a serious, no-rules scenario.
What is WingTsun™?
Although the best defence is to walk away from trouble, you may not always have the opportunity of avoiding physical attacks. If you cannot walk away or stare your opponent down, then you need the ability to face the attacker aggressively, neither leaving him time nor space to organize his attack. You need to be able to put the attacker on the defence.
How is WingTsun™ different from other martial arts?
The most important difference between WingTsun™ and others forms of martial arts derives less from stylistic externals (although there are plenty) than from the revolutionary total concept. Classic stylists trust in a series of previously regulated, progressive movements; in other words, they put their faith into well-honed combinations of kicks and punches.
However, in a real fighting situation (as distinct from a class situation) , the opponent never really attacks in just the regulated way as practiced in a traditional class.
Why Test?
There are twelve student grades, building upon one another progressively. A student requires on average three months of training per grade. The WingTsun™ organization wants to make sure that students have a good foundation that they can build upon. This is why they should only learn new material after they have practiced their old three-month program sufficiently. Tests ensure students are on a level playing field with other students. when training together.
What Is a Sifu?
Sifu is a Cantonese term for "teacher" and also has the connotation of "father". It is a title that denotes respect towards the person addressed as Sifu. This title is commonly used in Chinese martial arts, the equivalent of the Japanese "Sensei".
Less Ego Better WT
"Train WITH your partner, not AGAINST your partner." Wise words from Sifu Asad Mir that have stuck with me as I continue along the path of WingTsun™ Kung Fu. As we train, we find that our hurried lifestyles have not only made our bodies stiff and rigid, but that this age of mega-stars and mega-egos has had a significant impact on how we interact with others, both in and out of the kwoon.
Why an elite German military unit chose WingTsun™
WingTsun, as taught by Grandmaster Leung Ting’s International WingTsun Association, has been taught to various international law enforcement agencies across the globe since the 1980s. Here is the opinion of one German Special Forces instructor.(Kommando Spezialkräfte) The KSK has been operational since 1997. Since 2000 the close combat instructors have received their training at the EWTO Trainer Academy, in Heidelberg, Germany.